If you expressed a desire to become a member of our local body, working through our "Welcome to Church" series is the first step in the process. It is our prayer that as you work through this series, the Bible will guide you into a deeper understanding of the purposeof a local church, and how God intends to use the local church in both the life of the believer (individually and corporately), and in the world.
When you ask to begin the process, you should be given the study guide to work through as you watch/listen to each lesson. If you do not yet have a study guide, click the link below to download/print a copy, or you can ask any of our leaders during one of our services and we can give one to you.
The guide leads you through some of our next steps in the membership process, which include creating your testimony, becoming familiar with our beliefs, and taking a spiritual gifts inventory to help you be more aware of your gifts and how you could use them to serve the Lord here at Maranatha.